Drivers of Change for Community Wellbeing

Course Details

The APA Arts and Planning Division presents a special session with Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson, Chair at the National Endowment for the Arts. The Biden Administration recently appointed Dr. Jackson to serve as the Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts. During the session Dr. Jackson will share her inspirational journey drawing from her experience working with a multitude of interdisciplinary organizations and individuals--including planners-- dedicated to improving community wellbeing through the arts.

Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize the inherent connection between planning, arts and culture as drivers for community wellbeing.
  • Identify the power of art as a tool for equitable planning practices.
  • Recognize opportunities for planners and artists to collaborate.

The NPC Peer Reviewers assigned this presentation a learning level of Intermediate. For more on learning level descriptions visit our General Information Page.