The Life and Death of Tactical Curb Extensions

Course Details

Designs that may seem simple to the public often require big time and money costs related to design and construction which delay projects. Including quick-build projects as a phase of implementation can provide safety that is comparable to their permanent counterparts without long implementation delays. However, quick-build projects have their own downsides; they require more maintenance and are deemed unsightly. The District of Columbia's Department of Transportation has found success in pairing temporary tactical improvements with art to combine safety, community, and responsiveness.

This case study showcases how to use existing data and community requests to proactively respond to neighborhood safety needs, work creatively through existing mechanisms to construct tactical projects, and create a process to strategically upgrade tactical improvements to permanent ones. Presenters share ways to beautify the public realm to reflect neighborhood culture and history. They focus on the planning process, highlighting public engagement and methodology for identifying locations for quick-install projects in a given study area. The public benefits when art is incorporated in quick-build safety improvements. Learn novel approaches to achieving long-lasting change using tactical installations as a phase of installation, and pick up techniques to prioritize locations for upgrading.

Learning Outcomes

  • Implement neighborhood-level, quick-install projects that are both responsive and proactive to community safety concerns.
  • Incorporate art into transportation projects to beautify the public realm and provide a different avenue for engaging the public and educating them about transportation safety.
  • Create a program to identify high-priority locations for upgrading from tactical to permanent.