Matthew Malecha, PhDis a Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) Postdoctoral Fellow at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). His research focuses on
community resilience to natural hazards—especially the roles of plans,
policies, and regulations, and their interactions with underlying social and
spatial characteristics. His work has been published in leading planning and
hazards journals, including the Journal of Planning Education and Research,
Natural Hazards Review, Land Use Policy, and the Journal of Environmental
Planning and Management. As a postdoc with NIST’s Community Resilience Group,
Malecha is exploring community understanding and expectations of resilience,
adaptation, and sustainability planning, using social science methods to
investigate areas of overlap, barriers to action, and opportunities to improve
effectiveness. During his graduate studies, he helped develop and refine the
Plan Integration for Resilience ScorecardTM (PIRS), a method for spatially
evaluating community networks of plans and policies with respect to natural
hazards. Dr. Malecha currently holds a Faculty Fellowship with the Hazard
Reduction and Recovery Center (HRRC) at Texas A&M University, where he has
also served as an Instructional Assistant Professor, teaching both graduate and
undergraduate courses in urban planning. He holds a PhD in Urban and Regional
Sciences from Texas A&M University and a Master of Urban and Regional
Planning from the University of Minnesota. Before pursuing a doctorate, Malecha
was a senior policy planner at the Minnesota Department of Transportation.