Siyu Yu, PhD, AICP, is an assistant professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning and a core faculty with the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center at Texas A&M University. Her experience spans land use, plan integration, and resilience issues in the United States, the Netherlands, and China. Much of Dr. Yu’s current research focuses on the development, application, and extension of the Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard (PIRS) evaluation methodology. The aim of this research is to better understand relationships among the various policy institutions in a community, the network of land use and development plans they produce, and social and physical vulnerability to hazards and climate change. Her research has been published in the Journal of the American Planning Association, Journal of Planning Education and Research, and the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Before arriving at Texas A&M, she worked as a senior urban planner at the Urban Planning and Design Institute of Shenzhen, China. She holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Science from Texas A&M University and is certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners.