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    Learn how one county used ARPA funds as a platform for deep community engagement and inclusivity, where this one-time funding source is being leveraged as a spark for long-term change in local government.
    CM 0.75
    Nonmember Price: $30.00
    Member Price: $15.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Successful redevelopment occurs because of three drivers: what the market will bear, what the community wants, and what the site will support. Master plans must respond to public input, unique site challenges, and design principles that guide each project’s development.
    CM 1.00
    Nonmember Price: $40.00
    Member Price: $20.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Expand your knowledge of tribal transportation planning through discussion of federal, state and tribal transportation planning requirements taking into consideration tribal case studies in long-range planning and highway safety.

    CM 1.00

    Nonmember Price: $40.00
    Member Price: $20.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Comprehensive planning remains central to planning practice. Consistency is one of the best tools to ensure not only land use decisions are made in harmony with the plan, but planning goals translate to lasting and defensible implementation.

    CM I 1.00 (1.00 Law)

    Nonmember Price: $40.00
    Member Price: $20.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Planning professionals rarely understand the complexities of tribal planning and zoning regulations on native lands. In their pursuit to create thriving and economically resilient tribes, learn from planners about historical and contemporary tribal government planning structures.
    CM 0.75
    Nonmember Price: $30.00
    Member Price: $15.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    ChatGPT is taking the world by storm. How can you use this tool effectively and responsibly? Experience generative AI’s potential for planning practice and hear how one U.S. city is already exploring its use.

    CM 1.5

    Nonmember Price: $60.00
    Member Price: $30.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Unlock your ability to create the future of urban planning in this webinar. Learn how to wield AI for image creation from simple text prompts, expanding your toolkit and transforming your ideas into visual realities.

    CM 1.5

    Nonmember Price: $60.00
    Member Price: $30.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Cities worldwide are actively innovating to advance equity, social justice, and resilience.  Using examples including Quito’s land value capture, Milan’s food policy procurement, Copenhagen’s flash flood strategy, and La Paz’ at-risk youth initiative, Nicholas YOU, director of the Guangzhou Institute, will draw lessons for peer learning.

    CM 1.00

    Nonmember Price: $40.00
    Member Price: $20.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    This case Study demonstrates a modernized workflow for planners to develop land use change scenarios and communicate the impact for each scenario with the public through web-based planning solutions to help stakeholders make educated decisions about long-range plans.
    CM 0.75
    Nonmember Price: $30.00
    Member Price: $15.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    This interactive, self-paced training will equip planners with essential skills to navigate change and understand how future uncertainties may impact communities. Learn to use strategic foresight in planning to effectively imagine the future and plan for change.

    CM 6.0

    Nonmember Price: $198.00
    Member Price: $99.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Vacant Spaces to Livable Places – New Castle County’s vacant housing strategy has led to a 59% reduction in vacant properties over 5 years. Learn about the process, techniques, and partnerships that made this possible.
    CM 1.00
    Nonmember Price: $40.00
    Member Price: $20.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    In response to a worsening national housing crisis, Washington has been increasingly active on zoning and land use issues. From the Biden Administration’s Housing Action Plan to bipartisan congressional support for PRO Housing zoning reform grants, federal action has been increasing. Find out what’s happened and what’s coming next.
    CM 0.75
    Nonmember Price: $0.00
    Member Price: $0.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Ensuring that projects are successful requires hard and soft skills. The global pandemic changed the way in which we work for the foreseeable future and highlighted where we should be flexible, creative and use emotional intelligence.
    CM 0.75
    Nonmember Price: $30.00
    Member Price: $15.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Consultants can provide you with specialized services, complete a project that city staff can't find the time to start or offer additional services without hiring additional full-time staff. Finding the right consultant can be tricky. However, a well-written RFP makes the task easier and leads to more successful projects. 

    CM 1.5

    Nonmember Price: $60.00
    Member Price: $30.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    Affordable housing is a challenge facing many cities across the country with solutions focusing on increasing supply. The Oregon Department of Transportation took a different approach and wanted to see how transit could increase overall affordability across the state.
    CM 1.00
    Nonmember Price: $40.00
    Member Price: $20.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
    One-fifth of Americans moved during the pandemic. This unprecedented change, buoyed by remote work, has had an outsized impact on how cities evolve, especially small communities. Explore the zoom town phenomenon and shared individual city responses through these case studies.
    CM 1.00
    Nonmember Price: $40.00
    Member Price: $20.00
    For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
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