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Hear from HUD Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development Marion McFadden, as she shares critical updates on the PRO Housing program and new opportunities through the Legacy Challenge, aimed at supporting communities to increase housing supply through planning-led zoning reform.Hear from HUD Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development Marion McFadden, as she shares critical updates on the PRO Housing program and new opportunities through the Legacy Challenge, aimed at supporting communities to increase housing supply through planning-led zoning reform.
Digital Twins — digital representations of the built environment that can be augmented with real-time information flows — are an emerging tool that holds great promise for the practice of planning. But developing an effective Digital Twin requires starting with the fundamentals: what, why, and how. In this webinar, you’ll learn about the benefits, standards, and capabilities of Digital Twins, illustrated by uses & case studies.
Housing supply and zoning reform is the American Planning Association’s 2024 priority. Learn how federal policy can support local and state innovation and reform and grasp the necessary pieces of federal policy needed to enact critical housing reforms from members of the House of Representatives. Gain insights on engaging with legislators and supporting local, state, and federal reforms.
Learn about a collaboration between Minnesota Department of Health, Metropolitan Council and the Public Health Law Center which focused on understanding community factors and policies that collectively each partner influences through technical assistance with the goal to elevate public health.
When your city adopts a groundbreaking comprehensive plan unlike any of the plans the city has previously adopted, it’s time to tackle the daunting task of updating the zoning code…and do it as quickly as possible!
It's a REVOLUTION! The Vision for Historical Philadelphia establishes a design framework to re-imagine the primary public space of Old City Philadelphia – its streets! Learn how new street design will support equitable mobility, placemaking, historical interpretation, and economic development.
Unprecedented federal resources have been made available to states and localities to plan for and implement climate adaptation and resilience solutions. This course explores trends and best practices utilized by different levels of government resulting in improved outcomes.
CM I 1.00 (1.00 Sustainability & Resilience)
Nonmember Price: $40.00
Member Price: $20.00
For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
Boosting the supply, availability, and diversity of housing options is essential to expanding opportunity and affordability for all. Creating livable and age-friendly communities requires reforms that allow for new housing options. APA, AARP, and the National League of Cities have made housing opportunity and zoning reform a key priority.
Fast moving legislation has created challenges for planners to understand new requirements for multi-modal funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure legislation. This Case Study Learn reviews two of the primary programs of interest to planners: Safe Street & Roads for All (SS4A) & Reconnecting Communities.
Form Follows Regulation! Learn how Objective Design Standards can help your community achieve more sensitive development than traditional zoning-based regulation, streamline housing review, and empower your planning staff to perform ministerial review as an alternative to difficult discretionary review.
Communities are at risk of being affected by an increased threat and frequency of natural disasters. This presentation explores proactive stormwater management, infrastructure resiliency to prepare planners to tackle climate challenges of the future.
Food insecurity hides in plain sight in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. How can one food pantry find land and provide fresh and culturally appropriate produce to its largely Hispanic clientele when the surrounding community is largely developed?
An economic development coalition in Alaska is developing the mariculture industry with a $49 million federal grant. Learn how this coalition was able to successfully bring in so much funding and how this project will advance equity.
An all hands on-deck approach is being used in Michigan to increase housing supply. Without local preemption, progress is being made to shift local and state economic incentives, public policy, and ordinances to effect change.
The Turks and Caicos Islands adopted the first National Physical Development Plan since 1984. Learn about intricacies of large scale, multidisciplinary planning for rapidly changing natural and built environments in times of change, uncertainty, and shifting ideologies.
As housing affordability reaches all-time lows, state legislatures are increasingly looking to reform zoning laws to encourage the construction of more market-rate and below-market-rate housing. These reforms are forcing planners to reconsider plans and zoning codes or risk legal action.
CM I 1.50 (1.00 Law)
Nonmember Price: $0.00
Member Price: $0.00
For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
Reimagine the nature of historic preservation that recognizes underrepresented culture, people, and places. Learn ways to engage communities to identify, celebrate and preserve sites that are important to a community’s story.
Recent applications of the U.S. EPA's National Public Health Assessment Model (N-PHAM) are advancing health equity in planning. Learn about two case studies that integrate advanced metrics to support long-range transportation planning and guide infrastructure investment decision-making.
Government staff, including planners, can work together with community leaders to center equity in government decision-making. This session will help planners understand how different equity tools can support equitable outcomes and uplift community priorities.
Approximately 100,000 religious facilities are estimated to close over the next few years. Planners compare the excess in faith properties to the dearth of affordable housing and view a match made in heaven but it won’t happen on its own.
As designers and planners, we ignore people with disabilities at the risk of alienating the people that public spaces are meant to serve. Listen to three case studies that illustrate best practices built around inclusion and accessibility.
CM I 1.00 (1.00 Equity)
Nonmember Price: $40.00
Member Price: $20.00
For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
Learn why our cities and regions must build eco-socially sustainable, “green” housing that is affordable at all income levels, what this looks like, and how to get it built through community-based strategies for designing, approving, and funding in diverse localities.
CM I 1.00 (1.00 Sustainability & Resilience)
Nonmember Price: $40.00
Member Price: $20.00
For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
Community members often lack access to the knowledge needed to effectively influence systems that serve them even when they are invited to the table. Without sustained investment into community capacity-building and relationships, community engagement tools will continue to fall short.
If zoning is a language, then every zoning ordinance is its own dialect. By mapping standardized zoning data across thousands of jurisdictions, the National Zoning Atlas provides legibility to those seeking to understand zoning trends that transcend jurisdictional boundaries.
CM I 1.00 (1.00 Law)
Nonmember Price: $40.00
Member Price: $20.00
For a complete list of Speakers, click here.
The heightened expectations of the State of California raised standards for housing programs in cities of all kinds. Three vastly different cities serve as examples of successful executions of housing elements that confront housing issues through meaningful and measurable programs.
Electric vehicles are a hot topic, but is your community ready to support them? Our panel of experts turn your battery "range anxiety" into "range confidence" with real world case studies and planning approaches to enhance sustainability and equity.
This presentation focuses on the perspective and approach of three different cities (Charlotte, Minneapolis, and Portland) to filling the missing middle housing issue that prevails countrywide. It provides historical context, visioning process, policies, adopted regulations, challenges, lessons learned and successes.
Changes in society and the economy over the past few years create new challenges and opportunities across the country for downtowns. Learn how several planning directors are meeting the challenge and adapting their downtowns for an inclusive future.
In planning, city digital twins can be used for experimentation and simulation, to test policy options, to enhance cross-departmental collaboration, and to improve community engagement. Learn how to get started with examples from Columbus, Georgia, and Boston.
We already know the technical solutions to climate change but are caught in a loop of constant analysis to identify the “perfect” local actions. This presentation explores how strategies can be pursued locally and how to prioritize action.